Linking Out Club - Rob & Kennedy Interview

4 Reasons Why You Might Be Avoiding Email Marketing

And How to Overcome Them So You Can Build Relationships And Sell More Every Day

How do you feel about email marketing? If you’re anything like attendees at May’s LinkingOut Club you might be feeling awkward. Maybe you don’t use email marketing, or you’re worried it might be spammy, or you’re not sure what to write.

Enter Rob and Kennedy, a hypnotist and a psychological mind reader, and hosts of The Email Marketing Show. Their membership The League helps people fall in love with email marketing and make regular sales. They also email their list EVERY DAY!

They don’t run out of ideas.

People open their emails and then they reply and thank them for emailing them.

Rob and Kennedy make sales through email marketing all day long. They even made sales during LinkingOut Club.

That got your attention, didn’t it? Are you ready to find out how they do it? Let’s go!

Excuse 1: Email marketing is not a priority for me

Kennedy said: “Email marketing is apparently the highest return on investment activity a business does, regardless of its stage, and regardless of its industry.”

He described email marketing as sitting in the middle of your marketing between audience building (choose one social media platform to do this) and your conversion method (choose whether you will use a sales page, or webinars, or getting on the phone, etc.)

Social media > Email marketing > Conversion method

Focusing on email marketing removes part of the overwhelm of building an audience and turning them into customers.

Excuse 2: Email marketing is annoying

We check our email just like looking at LinkedIn. They are both apps on our phone that we flick between. Rob and Kennedy described email marketing as just another method of putting out content.

Think about what emails you enjoy receiving and what marketing tactics you like (and dislike).

You can put offers in your emails without feeling awkward about it too. Rob and Kennedy have a way of making sure they are well received.

Rob said: “You can sell in 100% of your emails, we know because we do, but you can make sure those emails are value led, and this is the big shift. You have to be there when they are ready to buy from you and not expect them to buy from you when you’re ready to sell.”

Excuse 3: I don’t have time to write emails

How long does it take you to write an email? Rob and Kennedy do it in about 4 minutes. How? Read on!

Excuse 4: I don’t know what to write

Rob and Kennedy never run out of ideas. They have several ways of generating email content. The one they shared with us was:

Story > Lesson > Offer

Tell a story, it can be about anything, and then link it back to what you offer.

Rob said: “We don’t email our list, and you shouldn’t email your list, about the thing that you sell.”

How to make a habit of writing emails daily

What’s the least boring thing that happened to you in the last 24 hours?

This is the magic question Rob and Kennedy ask themselves when they are coming up with new material for emails. This becomes your story and then you link it to a lesson for your audience.

Kennedy thinks of a story while walking to the kitchen first thing in the morning. He puts the kettle on and while it is boiling, he writes out the email.

5 top tips for creating emails

  1. Make use of free trials to find the email marketing platform that works for you.
  2. Don’t write your emails in your email marketing platform. Paste them in when you’re ready to send.
  3. Think about the least boring thing that has happened to you in the last 24 hours and use that story.
  4. Write down the emotional needs of your audience and tie your stories back to those
  5. Create a super signature. This has links to all the ways you help people from your free community to key offers.

Want to find out more about Rob and Kennedy? Join their free Facebook group The Email Marketing Show Community.

Ditch the dull keynote speeches in favour of fun-filled, laughter-inducing groups and seminars that get the audience involved from the get-go.

I’m bubbly and vivacious by nature, which you’ll find out in my presentations. 

I strive to appeal to those across sectors and disciplines, whether it be to those in more traditional professional roles, such as senior executive management, or those who are solopreneurs, freelancers or working in creative industries.

I ended up leaving my day job behind and achieved a diploma in Social Media Marketing. I set up Sarah Clay Social to help businesses promote themselves on social media. While using various platforms to promote my business, one stood out – LinkedIn. I seemed to attract new clients without really trying. All without a cheesy sales pitch and just by being myself. 

I was astonished by the success I had with LinkedIn and couldn’t get over how handy my childhood techniques had been. I realised that all the tools I’d learnt as a child were immensely useful! Soon after, I realised that other business owners weren’t using LinkedIn to its fullest potential. 

That’s why I’ve made it my mission to help business owners, just like you, harness the power of LinkedIn and be more successful in business.

Are you ready to leverage LinkedIn’s potential?